Shin 心 - Mind Gi 技 - Technique Tai 体 - Body



Shin 心 - Mind

Gi 技 - Technique

Tai 体 - Body


The Mind, technique, and body are the trinity of the martial way. Every budo ka must focus on this Shin Gi Tai principle to grow further in (budo 武道) the martial way or path.


Normally, practitioners focus on one thing to set off the rest.


Shin 心 - Mind 

This type of practitioner only reads and talks a lot about martial arts, but they don't practice.


Gi 技 - Technique

The second type focuses only on technique, but they omit doing exercises, and they never read anything related to budo.


Tai 体 - Body

The third type, only focuses on exercises and relies on brutal strength, so their focus lacks on the technical part as well as the spiritual part of the martial way.


Shin Gi Tai principle is like an equilateral triangle: analyze where you are and understand the real purpose of budo so that we can grow equally.

Inter connection:

These principles are interconnected. The one who practices a technique invariably trains his own mind and body. 

As you reach a boring point when you practice a technique, push your mental leverage a bit more to reach a certain point to achieve the goal. As you do this, your willpower and many other things related to Shin (Mind) are getting trained.


As you practice more zen, you are creating mental strength and flexibility to train hard and smart. Which helps you practice a technique.

As you exercise, your strength, endurance, and flexibility levels are paying off in your technique practice as well as in zen.

If we don't neglect any of the above elements, you'll find crucial evidence of how the mind, body, and technique support and help each other to grow as a complete martial artist.

So in short, if you get bored, you are getting stronger mentally. If you like training, it helps you get a good dose.

Here, what I mean by D.O.S.E. is,

A happy training session creates good hormones like dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins.

So Zen, exercises, techniques, boredom, happiness, and blah, blah, blah...

All for good when it comes to dojo training.


Peace and harmony,

Sensei Maharaj😊

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Peace and harmony,
Sensei M.Maharaj